Do You Count? University of Oregon Gears Up For 2010 Census

Do you count? Because I sure do. This is why I am going to fill out the 2010 Census form.

Educate. Activate. Motivate. These three words are the basis of the 2010 Census’ plan to get residents living in the United States to fill out their Census forms.

The student population, especially college students,  is considered one of the Census Bureau’s “hard to count” audiences. It is vital to the success of the 2010 Census to get students involved because students have the ability to mobilize their peers and community.

Students don’t realize that a) the Census is mandatory and b) by filling out the Census you can help your local community. There is a clear public relations opportunity to promote the accessibility, convenience and confidentiality of the Census to hard-to-count audiences. By engaging these audiences, the Census will obtain an accurate count of a city’s demographic.

Follow University of Oregon’s 2010 Census Facebook page to see how the University of Oregon is gearing up for the 2010 Census.

Walter Bateman’s Tips On Building a Professional Image

I was fortunate enough to attend the PRSSA National Conference this fall. I came home inspired and motivated to enter the public relations profession when I graduate this spring.

On the last day of the conference I attended a presentation on how to build a professional image by Walter Bateman. 

“Be ready to take notes because here is the famous American oil billionaire J.P. Getty’s sure-fire formula for financial success in life…” – Walter Bateman.

1. Define success: Define what success means to you and work towards it each day.

2. Conduct an introspection: Look inward to figure out how to better yourself.

3. I.D. your value proposition: Define your values and refer to them in all personal or professional situations.

4. Develop a personal brand: Be unique; set yourself apart.

5. Create a vision: Set present and future goals for yourself. 

6. Create a search strategy: Define the steps you will take to achieve your goals.

7. Execute a tactical plan: Get a daily planner and create a schedule for yourself.

8. Establish a network: Always be open to meeting new people and creating relationships.

9. Research targets: Know as much as you can about a company and its values before you enter an interview.  

10. Exercise a discipline: Work at your goals daily.

11. Start at the top: Set yourself ahead of your peers; internships are key.

12. Understand your marketable value: Be confident with yourself and what you can bring to a potential employer.

13. Use the King’s English: Always think before you speak.

“…Rise early, work hard, and strike oil.” – Walter Bateman.

How Non-Profits Can Cultivate Strong Relationships With Donors

For non-profit organizations, relationships are key. Many non-profits are concerned about the economy’s impact on fundraising efforts. There’s no doubt that non-profits need to work harder than ever to cultivate strong relationships with key constituents if they are going to compete effectively for donor dollars.

184720748_9d4d9e2a12The “Guidelines for Measuring Relationships in Public Relations,” by Linda Childers Hon and James E. Grunig, lists the four components non-profits should use to cultivate strong donor relationships.

1) Control mutuality: Some power imbalance is natural, but the most stable relationship is one where both parties involved have some degree of control over the other.

2) Trust: There must be complete trust between organization and donor. Keeping your promises will allow you to maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders.

3) Satisfaction: Satisfaction occurs when both parties meet or exceed each other’s expectation in the relationship.

4) Commitment: Commitment is the extent to which both parties feel the relationship is worth spending their energy on.

These components will allow your organization to create and maintain beneficial relationships. I want to leave you with a quote by Woodrow Wilson that I believe exemplifies the spirit of non-profits and gives clear reason as to why maintaining strong relationships with donors is necessary:

“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” – Woodrow Wilson.

Twitter Users Reject Pepsi’s Apology for iPhone Application: ‘Amp UP Before You Score’

2154520467_880ac46004Pepsi recently apologized for its iPhone application, “Amp UP Before You Score,” in response to the backlash of criticism that greeted the application’s release.

Twitter users are rejecting Pepsi’s apology, and many plan on boycotting Pepsi goods.

Pepsi’s iPhone application that claimed to help men “score” with women was launched by Pepsi to help promote the company’s new AMP Energy drink. It’s a “roadmap to success with your favorite kinds of women” that will “change your game and raise your expectations,” Pepsi promised in the application’s description.

The application broke women into 24 categories, from artists and aspiring actresses to businesswomen and bookworms. When the user identified the kind of woman he was trying to score, he could use the application to study a cheatsheet of things she’s into, with lists, links and some surefire opening lines.

If the guy were lucky, the application would let him keep a brag list, with names, dates and other details. The application also encouraged users to “flaunt it,” by sharing their lists with friends via e-mail, Facebook and Twitter.

To track what people were saying, Pepsi created a #pepsifail hashtag and tweeted under the name AMPwhatsnext:

“Our app tried 2 show the humorous lengths guys go 2 pick up women. We apologize if it’s in bad taste & appreciate your feedback. #pepsifail”

The apology only fueled the fire and gave Twitter users the opportunity to express their outrage at Pepsi for its application and half-hearted apology:

@AMPwhatsnext Your campaign is thoughtless and offensive despite the guise of juvenile humor to excuse it. Lame apology not accepted.

@AMPwhatsnext #pepsifail You need more than give a half-hearted apology, pull the app.

Twitter has given Pepsi the ability to receive direct feedback on how consumers feel about the iPhone application. In this case, Pepsi was able to release an apology because of all the negative feedback. Pepsi provides an example of why Twitter is a useful tool for companies to evaluate their products or initiatives.

Follow the #pepsifail hashtag on Twitter.

Connect With Me

n11519680_37469556_1031966The goal of this post is to give you insight into who I am and why I’m blogging.

My name is Amy and I’m currently studying public relations at the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon. I’m writing this blog to share my thoughts about the public relations industry.

Although I’m only representing myself in my blog, this is my attempt to connect and interact with people who may or may not share my interests.

As the author of this blog I intend to write about non-profit, global, and consumer public relations.  I will also discuss interesting trends in the industry.

As I continue in the world of public relations, I would like to eventually become engaged in corporate social responsibility, crisis communications, and green/sustainability trends. I am interested in issues concerning current trends and in issues that can better our society. Along with my public relations interests, I hope to incorporate my Spanish language skills and love for international communications.